DNSA: China and the United States: From Hostility to
Engagement, 1960–1998
DNSA: U.S. Intelligence and China: Collection, Analysis and
Covert Action
The above resources are now available on the ProQuest
This means they can be cross-searched with the other Social
Sciences group on ProQuest, or with all the TCD ProQuest databases.
The legacy (Chadwyck-Healey) version of DNSA will remain
available until late summer, 2015, when the site will be shut down and
redirects will be turned on.
The new, direct links to the ProQuest versions have been
added to the bibliographic records. The old link is also still available there
and will be until the site closes down.
MyArchive Content:
Users who have created a MyArchive account will need to move any saved
searches and documents they wish to retain over to their MyResearch account on
the ProQuest platform. Instructions on how to accomplish this and/or how to
create a MyResearch account can be found here.